The Doodle Knit Directory: 200 playful colorwork motifs for knitted accessories

Автор: sunlove от 31 июля 2024, 17:25
The Doodle Knit Directory: 200 playful colorwork motifs for knitted accessories

Книга по вязанию спицами. Рукодельницы могут выбрать схемы из 200 различных узоров, а затем смешивать их для создания уникальных проектов. Затем они могут комбинировать их любым удобным им способом, повторять свои любимые рисунки, менять цветовую гамму и вообще получать удовольствие от "рисования" с ними. Все диаграммы работают вместе, так что читатели могут получить массу удовольствия, изучая бесконечные варианты и составляя свои собственные комбинации, играя с цветами, добавляя простые ряды между изображенными на диаграмме строками и в целом проявляя творческий подход.

A practical guide to 'doodling' with knitted colorwork designs. Readers can choose their favorite charts from the 200 different designs and then mix and match them to create unique projects. They can then combine them in any way they like, repeat their favorite designs, change the colorways and generally have fun 'doodling' with them. All of the charts work together so readers can have lots of fun exploring the endless options and making up their own combinations, playing with colors, adding in plain rows in between the charted rows and generally getting creative. There are instructions for how to use the charts across all the patterns - they all have the same stitch count and work across each of the 9 projects which include a range of accessories such as cowls, scarves, hats and mittens. Doodle knitting is all about having fun with pattern - choose your favorite motifs and create your own combinations. The 9 patterns have specific suggestions for pattern combinations but author, Jamie Lomax, explains how to modify all the projects to create your own versions. The patterns only combine two colors on each row so it's suitable for beginners to colorwork and because it's done on a small scale it's a great way for absolute beginners to try their hand at colorwork, but the large selection of patterns and designs means that more advanced knitters will have plenty to inspire them. The 200 designs are presented seasonally and there are a wide range of motifs including everything from flowers, leaves and mushrooms through to squirrels, sheep and other birds and animals. As well as the motifs there are abstract designs that can be interspersed to break up the patterns and create interest so you can have endless doodling fun.

Название: The Doodle Knit Directory: 200 playful colorwork motifs for knitted accessories
Автор: Jamie Lomax
Издательство: David & Charles
Год: October 8, 2024
Размер: 195 Мб
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 144
Язык: Английский

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